Thursday, 24 November 2016

ADO Test


  1. What is ADO Full form?

  2. Active Dependency Object
    Active Data Option
    ActiveX Data Object

  3. Which Namespace is needed to work with SqlServer?

  4. Using System.Data;
    Using System.Data.Sql;
    Using System.Data.SqlClient;

  5. What is DataSet?

  6. DataSet is collection of Database
    DataSet is colection of tables
    DataSet is will get data from database

  7. Which statement is TRUE?

  8. Dataset work with Disconnected Architecture
    DatReader work with Disconnected Architecture
    DataAdapter work with connected Architecture

  9. What is the purpose of Ado.Net?

  10. is used to create classes in c# is used to communicate with Database
    Ado.Net is used to create create object of classes

  11. which statemetn is false?

  12. data adapter is meadiator between dataset and database
    data set is not a collection of tables

  13. what is connection object?

  14. It is used to perform DML operations
    It is used make a connection
    It is used to manipulate data in DB

  15. which method is used to fill that data in dataset

  16. Fall()

  17. How will you access data from dataset

  18. By using index
    bu using name of table
    All the above

  19. whihc method of command object do you use to perform Insert operation

  20. ExecuteReader()

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