Saturday, 19 November 2016

Delete, Truncate and Drop

Delete(It deletes all data, but not table with structure)

We can delete 1 or more or All rows from a table.

It supports " Where " clause

Slow performance

We can get back rows

It can invoke triggers


We can delete all rows from a table. It is not possible to delete 1 or 2 rows.

It won't support " Where " clause.

High performance

We can't get back rows.

It can't invoke triggers.

Drop (It deletes complete table with structure)

Truncante is performs better than delete because when you delete the records from the database, database has to perform 2 actions.

                1.delete from the database
                2.write the deleted records into "rollback" segments.

But incase of "Truncate" the second activity is not required.


In this article I try to explain the diffrence between DELTE , TRUNCATE  and DROP in SQL Server. I hope after reading this article you will be able to understand cursors in Sql Server. I would like to have feedback from my blog readers. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.

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